Vacancy details
Our ethos is to deliver the highest quality of care and a truly personalised service, delivering a ‘home away from home’ service where residents are enabled to live fulfilled and happy lives. We are excited in putting our knowledge and experience to implement high standards of care at our residents’ homes.
• To recognise the uniqueness and dignity of each patient, whilst providing individualised care.
• To ensure that the atmosphere of the Home is relaxed and that Residents have the freedom to live as normal a life as possible.
• To assess Residents’ needs, plan their care, ensure that the Care Plan is implemented and evaluate the success of treatment. Residents should be involved, as much as possible, in helping to plan and assess their own care.
• To ensure that all care is consistent and carried out in accordance with the laid down policies.
• To ensure that all treatments are given as prescribed.
• To ensure that Residents’ dignity is maintained at all times.
• To supervise the work of other grades of Nursing Staff.
• To ensure accurate documentation of Residents’ records.
• To involve relatives, where appropriate.
• To write, give and receive reports.
• To work in a co-operative and collaborative manner with other health care professionals, recognising and respecting their particular contributions within the care team.
• To ensure that accurate information on Residents’ conditions is given to the Deputy or Home Manager or GP.
• To comply with any guidance that is issued, from time to time, by the NMC.
• To supervise special diets and ensure that the nutritional needs of Residents are met.
• To withdraw defective equipment from use and report to the Administration Manager/Matron.
• To ensure that Residents’ property is safeguarded.
• To report and document accidents to Residents, staff and visitors and maintain other records and notify, as appropriate.
• To participate in staff meetings held to discuss the running of the Home.
• To ensure that the Matron of the Home is kept fully informed of all matters relating to staff, Residents and equipment.
• To actively promote safety awareness, as laid down by the Health and Safety at Work Act.
• To delegate or personally carry out any tasks necessary within the Home to ensure the efficient operation of all departments and thus provide a quality environment for all Residents.
• To ensure that work practices throughout the home comply with and maintain National Minimum Care Standards in accordance with the requirements of the Commission for social Care Inspection.
• To assist in the induction of new staff.
• To assist in in-service training.
• To counsel junior staff in matters relating to nursing practice.
In the case of night shifts, to work with care staff to ensure the wellbeing of all Residents throughout the Home. Sleeping whilst on duty is not permitted under any circumstances.
In the case of a Dual Registered Home:
To liaise with Senior care staff in the residential section to ensure that high standards of care are delivered. As a general rule, senior carers will liaise with community nurses in respect of nursing care to residential clients but, in a case of emergency or e.g., a fall, an RGN/RMN will be expected to advise.
To head the shift on nights, supervising the work of care staff throughout the Home and, in particular, to see regular night checks are made of all Residents and patients.
The RGN/RMN working within the Nursing Home will be a nurse who is interested in the total care of residents and has an understanding of their needs.
When acting as sole RGN/RMN on duty, he/she will be responsible for the Home, its Residents and staff.
The organisation of the Home and attitude of the staff should reflect the need for patients to achieve and maintain maximum independence. Staff should be both flexible and sensitive in their approach.
He/she will maintain a quiet, calm atmosphere in the Home and, by encouragement and example, foster a happy team spirit to ensure the safety and wellbeing of the Residents.
All trained staff will be expected to help with in-service training of unqualified staff and to keep abreast of current & post registration training.